Saturday, August 20, 2011

5 Months already!

we can not believe how fast time has gone our little boy isnt so little anymore. we've been getting use to being parents and are fianlly figuring out a great schedule. sorry i havent posted anything since hes been born. Easton is now 5 months old. he weights 16.8 (58%) and his height is 23 1/2 (34%) hes a shorty. hes so much like Austin he loves to smile at everyone and laughs at everything but he has mommys attitude and gets being stubborn from me. he rolls from his tummy to his back but has not yet rolled from back to tummy, he rolls to the side then stops because he knows he can see everything better from his side then his tummy. Easton loves the itsy bitsy spider he puts his hands up like a sun at the "out came the sun" part and also plays peek a boo but hasnt got the idea to cover both eyes not just one. three days ago easton learned to sit up all by himself and now he gets overly excited when we all clap for him. he loves just to chill and watch everyone around him. hes not a fussy baby unless hes hungry ( just like daddy LOL). Eastons best friends our his cousins Caiden and Landon who adore him so much. he gets lots of kisses and hugs from them. Easton loves hanging out and watching baseball with daddy  but i think he loves nap time with mommy more :). we took easton on his very first camping trip, which went alot better then i thought i made sure to keep his schedule and routines the same.

best buddies

watching baseball

so sweet

his best friend Justice

4th of july

loves to be nakey

hes really into his feet

first swimming pool

first red sox game

sitting up!!!

Dear Easton,
 you make daddy and i so proud to call you ours, your smile makes our day and your presents makes our lives. you love to sit back and watch the world around you. you catch on to things you love very quickly. you love to listen to your own voice and play peek a boo with your mobile when you should be napping. as great grandma kay would say you our SMART,KIND AND IMPORTANT. we love you more and more each day. you melt mommys heart with your sweet little looks and thoses handsome blue eyes. daddy loves how much you love baseball and dies laughing at your very manly farts (sorry buddie) we love you Easton!! we our blessed you chose us as parents :) keep growing big and strong. and remember you are SMART, KIND AND IMPORTANT!

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