Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving, birthdays, my niece and black friday!

Easton loved his first thanksgiving my mom made him a yam and potatoes with squish. instead of spoon feeding him i putt some on his tray and let him feed himself at first he was just playing with it then he reaslised he could put it in his mouth and once he did that he was really excited he started clapping and doing so big. at that point i realised he was putting food all in his hair. he even had food stuck in the top of his diaper and in his belly button!

november is one of the busiest months in my family both my nephews have birthdays. my very first nephew caiden is turning 3 on monday! hes turned into such a little boy and soo smart. my 2nd nephew the big suprise auntie loves turned 2 on nov 5th! he says the darnest things with that adorable mouth. both theses boys are great cousins and there both going to be great big brothers

YUP! mandy his pregnant with a GIRL!! we are all so excited! shes going to be a tough girl will all theses boys around but still a girly girl. in a few years we will have a girl joining the other girls for black friday

every year my mom and sisters and i go shopping for black friday we get up when stores open and start shopping. we all have so much fun and lots of laughs. we make so many fun memories every year and i hope as our families keep growing us girls always find time for each other and im sure we will keep adding girls to our black friday shopping trips! love you girls!

 like my new shirt from black friday?
 SO BIG!!!
 im getting full
okay no im not! 

almost 9 months :)

sorry its been awhile since ive blogged its hard getting a chance to. Easton is now almost 9 months old i cant believe it. we love every minute with him. he just started stranger danger haha. he always wants Austin and I over others ( we really love this) as much as we love it we know we need to get him over this stage. he started to really like attention i have a good story. one day i left him on the floor playing with toys so i could go make myself breakfest. all of a sudden i hear him choking so i come running to him and he looks up and smiles. so i walked away thinking hes okay but then it happened again at that point i knew he was doing it so i'd come to him i thought it was cute but also not good you cant ignore something like that cause one time he could really be choking luckly he doesnt do it as much. Easton has really cought on to things lately all in 2 weeks he learned to wave, clap, and do SO BIG! for awhile now hes known how to do motorboat with his mouth it was more like spitting but hes gotten over that. right now we are working on crawling which he does backwards slittly. he'll catch on soon its mostly are faults cause we didnt do alot of time tummy like we should of. sumthings easton loves right now are, sleeping, being naked, being tickled, mommy and daddy, his cousins caiden and landon, eatting and his bottles. I stopped breastfeeding at 6 months not by choice i just stopped producing enough for him i really miss it and it was hard getting use to formla for both of us but it ended up being okay for us both. Austin and i can get out on date nights or just to take a drive to places we went when we first started dating and thanks to my parents who always watch him for us! hes a great boyfriend and daddy we have alot of fun with him.

 Eastons first halloween!
 being a shy cow
 playing with his cousin Caiden!

 Dear Easton,
 we just want to tell you how much we love you! your our everything and wouldnt trade having you for anything in this world!
          love mommy and daddy