Saturday, June 9, 2012

Whats new?

The last 3 months have been pretty busy. Easton now is 15 months old! i cant believe it. he started walking at 13 months and now at 15 months hes really into marching around the house. In the last month hes started to repeat words and put what things are together. hes also really into books now which we love because its a great cuddle time :). he also loves to sleep just like mommy and now we warn him 3 times that bed time is getting close then we say okay Easton give everybody kisses and lets go get a binkie and go nigh nigh. I'm sure its only easy because he wants his binkie which Ive been trying to not let him have during the day (i suck at this). recently we went up to Cabelas, if you've been up there then you know they have life size stuffed animals there, so we showed Easton them and were telling him what they are and apparently the deer is what stuck with him the most because for awhile every animal was a deer and then i watched Austins grandmas dog charlie while she was out of town and for awhile every animal was dog charlie ( og char). Austin started baseball in march and i was really excited for him because he didn't play his junior year because i was due to pop any day and we didn't know if id need a c section or what but anyways i was happy for him and super excited for Easton to watch daddy play. what i didn't know would happen is Easton would love watching the game at this age. he would just sit and stare the whole game. it melted my heart every time he saw Austin he just yelled DADA  and would start laughing and pointing. its been really amazing seeing the bond they have together and Austin gets a ton of credit and deserves it all because a lot of dads his age don't stick around. I'm very thankful for him!!! also in April i became an auntie to a niece! Elliott grace veal we all call her Ellie. and now that June has rolled around Austin is getting ready to graduate this coming Friday! we all are super proud of him, hes worked very hard managing our family, work and school and hes done a great job! hes also got a new job full time job! well whats new with me??? I'm still a stay at home mom and i love it but now I'm looking into school and if that doesn't  happen ill be getting a part time job. Ive also joined a teen mops group and i love it all the leaders are super nice and supportive.

                                                                     Thanks mops!! 
 Senior night at baseball
 water baby
 he loves his Cousins
I made a diaper cake for my sisters baby shower
checking out daddy's dirty pants after practice

 Words Easton says:                        Words Easton signs:
dog (og)                                               please
charlie (char)                                       sorry
deer                                                      all done, all gone
auntie (atie)                                          thank you
mama                                                   more
dada, dad, daddy.
papa, dapa

Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday!!!

we can not believe its been a year already! our little baby is now turning into a little boy TEAR! on Saturday March 10th we through Easton his birthday party and had lots of family and friends over. thank you all who came out and spoiled our little boy. and on Easton birthday March 11th Austin and i took him to Chipolte for lunch then headed to Kingston to spend time with family and Austin sister Alicia who flew in to surprise us for Easton party.

Dear Easton
over the year you have taught us there are no words possible to describe how much we love you. you are the most loving kid we've ever met and we our so glad you are ours! you can be demanding in what you want and you get that from mommy :) your sweet funniness you get from daddy. the random things you do are from both of us! you love to eat and take baths. if you ever want a bath you go in the bathroom and stand at the tub pointing and i have to break your poor heart telling you its not bath time then i have to walk away while you throw yourself to the floor. you defiantly know what you want and when you want it. you walk around all day saying Dada and just recently you have been telling me you when go nigh nigh. you wave hi and bye, blow kisses, sign more, clap, point and throw a ball super good! you love watching baseball with daddy and now you love watching daddy play baseball. one thing mommy loves is seeing the bond you have with daddy. i love how you give me random kisses all day long and give big bear hugs. you are such an amazing blessing from god!!! your smart and so funny. you take your time to do things which is great, never feel rushed to make others happy buddy. know you can grow up and make a difference and #1 is be yourself! your an amazing little boy. always know mommy and daddy will love you no matter what happens!!!

  happy birthday little boy! our love is never ending for you!